Transforming Evidence into Action for a Brighter Sudan

Transforming Evidence into Action for a Brighter Sudan

KUSH stands at the forefront of Sudan’s transformative era, offering a beacon of resilience and innovation in the humanitarian and development sector.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is a valuable approach that involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (such as text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It provides in-depth insights into various aspects of human behavior and phenomena.

Focus Groups

We conduct focus group discussions across Sudan, generating rich exploratory data. These discussions cover a wide range of topics and evaluate project impacts.

Key Informant Interviews

We conduct interviews with key players and informants in various sectors, providing valuable insights to supplement other research activities.

Atmospheric Reports 

We offer focused reporting at the local level, highlighting social, political, and economic dynamics. These reports may combine qualitative and quantitative research tools.

Quantitative Research

KUSH utilizes a gender-balanced team of enumerators with experience using KOBO toolbox to conduct surveys. Our Data Analysis & Visualization Expert (DAVE) manages this aspect, ensuring rigorous data collection methods and representative samples.

Probability Sampling

We collect data from diverse backgrounds to create a strong foundation for analysis and decision-making.

Beneficiary Assessments

We design tailored questionnaires to understand the needs, preferences, and challenges of beneficiaries, enabling targeted interventions.

Systematic Observations & Interviews

Our team conducts in-depth interviews and systematic observations to gain nuanced insights into behaviors, motivations, and underlying dynamics. This understanding drives the development of effective strategies.

CATI Surveys

At KUSH, we believe that data is the cornerstone of informed decision-making. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our latest addition: the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) facility. Our CATI Surveys empower you to make informed decisions, understand market dynamics, and drive strategic initiatives. Whether you’re a government agency, nonprofit organization, or private enterprise, our CATI facility is your gateway to valuable data.

Data: Evidence to Action in Sudan

We support donors and implementing partners by monitoring project operations and evaluating outcomes

Third-Party Monitoring & Evaluation

We act on behalf of donors and UN agencies to verify and validate activities throughout Sudan. This includes verifying live events, workshops, food distribution, and equipment/facility delivery and operation.

Multi-disciplinary and sector-oriented research


A range of assessments designed to interrogate and/or to verify. We deploy different methods and modalities to meet varying needs. This includes socio-economic impact assessments, ESG, institutional and programmatic focused assessments

Political Economy Analyses (PEAs)

KUSH provides PEAs tailored to Sudan's unique context, helping you:

Bridge the Local-Global Gap

Leverage our Sudanese expertise combined with global insights.

Understand Stakeholder Dynamics

Analyze power structures and their impact on development.

Targeted Interventions

Ensure your initiatives are effective and sustainable.

KUSH Fields

Our research experience covers a spectrum of social and  political topics.

Social Studies

Political Studies & Events



Empowering Voices, Building Choices

KUSH champions evidence-based decision-making. We believe in harnessing the power of data and insightful analysis to tackle Sudan’s most pressing challenges: from navigating the complexities of transition and fostering sustainable development, to combating poverty, climate change, conflict, and violence.

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